Wednesday, 10 February 2010

We all stood up!

Tonight was stunning!

This was by far the biggest public meeting Education Leeds have ever faced; there must have been well over 500 people there with councillors, local primary heads, university lecturers, and loads of parents and pupils.

The welcome was wonderful, everybody had worked so hard on the displays, and the food was excellent.
The dvd the pupils made was really moving and throughout we had the Silver Sparrows in the background.
The meeting itself was a bit of a farce, it was so clear that nobody in the room supported the proposal to close City of Leeds and every speaker was passionate about the need to keep the school for our children and community. At the end of 2 hours there were still people wanting to speak but so much had been said and our hands were red with clapping at the hard hitting points that were coming from the public. Education Leeds did not get one clap but Sue Buckle managed a standing ovation!!!

There was a very generous offer from Leeds Metropolitan University to work with City of Leeds to develop it for the future.
And also a proposal from Jill wood, Head of Little London, to form a partnership with the feeder primaries and to develop City as a school for the community it serves.

I hope very much that Education Leeds listens to what we had to say tonight and acts on it with some level of integrity but I somehow doubt it; Chris Edwards didn't even have the courtesy to show his face, never mind answer a question, after slagging the school off on the radio today.

The campaign goes on; the letters need to keep going to the newspapers, the leaflets need to keep going out to the community, the objections need to keep going to Education Leeds.

And I have to get up early tomorrow - vampire hunting at 6am (staking I think Mike called it)!

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