Thursday, 11 February 2010

Locked out by Education Leeds

Chris Edwards didn't come to face the people of Hyde Park and Woodhouse last night, he wasn't there at Primrose tonight either.

Primrose is part of the Federation with city of Leeds and I am against it becoming an academy but, unfortunately, I couldn't be at Primrose because my daughter is ill.

Apparently Councillor Brett was there though but the doors were locked by 7:10pm and he had to wait over half an hour to be let in.
I wonder how many other people arrived and found themselves locked out and simply turned away?

How can Education Leeds run our schools when it can't even run a consultation? People have a right to attend a public meeting, locking the doors denies them access and in my opinion there should be a public investigation into how Education Leeds consults on proposals.

They didn't advertise the Primary Expansion Public Meeting for Blenheim and Brudenell properly and I was the only person to turn up.

So when the City of Leeds one was due I decided not to wait for Education Leeds to advertise it, I did it myself (with my team, of course) and delivered almost 10,000 leaflets with the details of both the City and Royal Park meetings.

And they had a bit of a shock.

So what do they do to stop people having their say this time?

They lock people out of the public meeting.

I think they don't like public meetings!

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