I live in LS6 with my partner, Andy, and my two children.
My son is autistic and I have been his carer since he was 13 when he was forced to leave full time education due to the stress of coping with mainstream school. I haven't been able to work since he left school.
My daughter is an artist and musician.
I am so proud of them both.
I have been involved in many community campaigns, including the fight for Royal Park which both my children attended and am now fighting for my daughter's school, City of Leeds.
I believe that "education is the pursuit of happiness" (John Aitkenhead, Kilquhanity House School, 1910-1998 ) and that happy children learn naturally and as a matter of course.
I believe that individualisation and inspiration rather than regulation and homogenisation are the best principals on which to base an effective education that includes as many children as possible from all walks of life and with the greatest variety of needs, abilities and disabilities.
I believe that "small is beautiful" (EF Shumacher 1911-1977) and that the trend towards superschools in Leeds and elsewhere in the country is dehumanising education.
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