Sunday, 23 May 2010

Bias in high places?

I've been waiting all week to see if Education Leeds or the YEP make any mention of City of Leeds passing its Ofsted.

The official report came out on Wednesday but it was public knowledge and on Guardian Leeds on-line on the 13th May.

Not a word!

Need I say more.

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

OFSTED supports City of Leeds

In the report to the Executive Board on 17th April 2010 Education Leeds stated that:

"Although the school’s latest inspection report cited the school’s strengths, the new inspection framework contained much higher expectations of schools, and the school is judged to be at risk of going into an OfSTED category requiring significant improvement or special measures."

On Friday 7th May City of Leeds School was inspected by Ofsted with less than 24 hours notice.
And passed!!!!
Satisfactory progress on all action points from last inspection no need for early re-inspection

... so Education leeds assertion that the school would fail an inspection under the new more rigorous inspection regime has like most of their assertions proved groundless!

Well done, City of Leeds!

We now need to write objecting to the closure before 28th May 2010
(Unfortunately the statutory notice doesn't have an email address)

Please write to:

The Chief Executive
Education Leeds
FAO School Organisation Team
9th Floor West
Merrion House
110 Merrion Centre
Leeds LS2 8DT

The school organisation team does have an email address but it is probably safer to write as well as email: